Knob Creek 7 Year Old Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
Knob Creek 7 Year Old Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
Knob Creek 7 Year Old Straight Rye Whiskey is a bold choice for rye enthusiasts and a timeless addition to any collection. Crafted with a mash bill high in rye, this whiskey is aged for a full seven years to develop a distinct and robust character that sets it apart. Each sip reveals a meticulously layered profile with deep, spicy notes of cracked pepper and warm clove, beautifully balanced by sweet caramel and vanilla undertones.
The nose is rich with aromas of toasted oak, complemented by hints of fresh-baked rye bread and subtle, earthy spices. On the palate, expect a bold and full-bodied experience, with spicy rye upfront, balanced by rich vanilla and butterscotch, leading to a smooth and satisfying finish. The finish itself is long, with lingering warmth and gentle spice—a testament to Knob Creek’s dedication to quality and craftsmanship.
At Liquor Express, we’re proud to bring this high-quality whiskey to our customers, ensuring that each bottle of Knob Creek 7 Year Old Straight Rye Whiskey meets the expectations of even the most discerning whiskey aficionados. The 750ml bottle is perfect for sharing with friends or savoring on its own, making it a versatile and memorable choice for any occasion. Whether enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or as the base of a classic cocktail, Knob Creek’s rye delivers a refined, elevated whiskey experience that embodies the rich heritage of American distilling.