Black Cottage Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Black Cottage Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Black Cottage Sauvignon Blanc is a vibrant expression of Marlborough’s renowned winemaking tradition, bringing together the unique terroir of New Zealand’s most famous wine region. The wine shines with an enticing pale straw color, hinting at the refreshing qualities it holds. With the first swirl, the aromas burst to life, delivering an inviting bouquet of fresh citrus, ripe gooseberries, and tropical passion fruit. A delicate note of freshly cut grass and zesty lime adds depth to the nose, offering an exciting preview of the crisp flavors that follow.
On the palate, Black Cottage Sauvignon Blanc offers a lively, clean, and refreshing experience. The bright citrus notes of lemon and grapefruit lead the way, followed by layers of juicy stone fruit and hints of green apple. These flavors are beautifully balanced with a distinct minerality, which is characteristic of Marlborough’s unique climate and soil. The natural acidity enhances the wine's vibrant personality, making each sip an invigorating journey for the senses.
Crafted by winemaker Dave Clouston, Black Cottage Sauvignon Blanc is not only a testament to Marlborough’s exceptional growing conditions but also a reflection of his dedication to producing wines that are both approachable and full of character. This Sauvignon Blanc is elegant yet playful, with a finish that lingers long after the last sip. The wine’s well-rounded structure and crisp finish make it incredibly versatile, pairing beautifully with a variety of dishes such as fresh seafood, light salads, or even goat cheese.
What sets this wine apart is its ability to bring a sense of place to every bottle. The cool, sun-drenched vineyards of Marlborough impart a unique vibrancy to the fruit, resulting in a wine that is distinctly New Zealand. Whether you're enjoying a quiet evening at home or entertaining guests, Black Cottage Sauvignon Blanc from Liquor Express is sure to impress with its dynamic flavors and refreshing character, perfect for any occasion.
At Liquor Express, we take pride in offering high-end selections like Black Cottage Sauvignon Blanc to discerning wine lovers across North America. Its balance of fruit, acidity, and minerality showcases the very best of what this renowned region has to offer, making it a standout choice in our collection.